I will have to explain a little of the history so that you can understand my NEED for a studio.
My husband and I have 6 kids. When we built this house, 3 of them had grown up and moved out, so we still had 3 living with us. We built a 4 bedroom, with the kids, smaller rooms downstairs and our bedroom upstairs. That and the office are the only things up stairs, well, a bathroom also. Ok, so 3 years later, the last one left. Ahh, it was just us, empty nesters, but loving every minute of it. This was about a year ago. For a while, we still had our room upstairs. One day I said, "honey, we have this whole house, why are we still climbing the stairs?" He didnt know either except for the fact that the upstairs room was much bigger. I got the bright idea of tearing down one of the walls downstairs to turn 2 bedrooms into one. This is what we did. Wonderful! We arent climbing the stairs all of the time and we have enough room. The upstairs room, is kind of a storage and multi guest room now. We have big family get togethers here at least once a year, with lots of out of state guests. Because of this, I moved 3 twin beds in that room. I also store all of my Etsy items up there and some craft supplies that I dont use too often. The other downstairs room, has a full size bed for guests and a baby bed for the grand babies when they stay. I decorated it, all in vintage child decor. Woody woodpecker, raggedy ann and andy, vintage story books, the whole works ( I had to share that, Im in love with it) I also store my craft supplies that I use often, (dont want to climb those stairs). Everything is great, right? Wrong!!
One of our kids came back.....with a baby! I told him that he could use either room, which ever one he wanted. The first night he said, we will go upstairs. After sleeping up there one night, he and I decided that we were just too scared that the baby would get out of her bed and fall down the stairs. Since that night, they have taken over the "baby room".
I used to do my crafting in the living room or dining room. It was just better that way, I could do laundry, dishes all the other things that I need to do, while crafting. Well, baby Summer has put a stop to that. She is 16 months old and gets into everything. So I have been going to my bedroom with the door shut, working. How much inspiration can a person get from sitting in the bedroom all day? Not much, I can promise you that.
Which brings me to the conclusion that I now need to make upstairs, my space. I will still need the beds in that room, but I will should have plenty of room I think, for my area. I will try to post pics of the before room, even though I hate to... I told you, I have been using it for storage. But I will, so that I can blog my progress, and you can get the full affect of the whole transformation. Please if you have any suggestions of what I need to get for storage or to make things work better, please dont be shy. I need all of the help I can get. This is my first studio, Im guessing it will be trial and error. Next article.... why I call it a studio and not a craft room!